The National Association of Mail Carriers is the exclusive representative of urban mail carriers employed by the United States Postal Service.

Since its founding in Milwaukee in 1889, NALC-HQ has had a long and distinguished history of defending the rights of mail carriers against abusive regulators, dishonest presidential administrations and uncaring Congresses. NALC-HQ is the only force fighting for the protection of the interests of letter carriers in cities.

On March 17, 1970, New York mail carriers staged a general postal strike against the so-called Postal Department to protest poverty-level wages. Carriers and other postmen all over New York—and soon in other cities across the country—followed suit. That successful strike by almost a quarter of a million postmen led to the signing of the Postal Reorganization Act on August 12, 1970, which, among other things, authorized the NALC-HQ to jointly negotiate national contracts with the newly formed United States Postal Service.

During NALC-HQ’s biennial National Conventions, the representatives represent both the constitution and NALC’s will. The day-to-day operations of the union are managed by the NALC-HQ Board. The council consists of 10 permanent state officials: president, vice president, vice president, secretary-treasurer, assistant secretary-treasurer, director of city government, director of safety and health, director of pensions, director of life insurance and director of life insurance. . NALC Health Profile Scheme. The council also has three trustees and representatives of national companies representing the 15 geographical regions of the union.

But the real strength, power and representation of NALC-HQ begins at the local level, with members in more than 2,000 locals known as chapters across the country. Here, local store clerks and local branch clerks work tirelessly to protect mail carriers and ensure the Postal Service complies with the National Collective Bargaining Agreement, as well as helping managers navigate the workers’ compensation process in the event of an injury. At the workplace.

To assist members and local officials, NALC-HQ has produced a wide range of resources, including the Joint Contract Management Manual (JCAM) and Materials Reference System. Mail carriers dealing with routes, work floor issues, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and more can find free downloadable resources on this site. Newly hired city management assistants will also find specially designed material for them.

NALC-HQs in Washington are located just a few blocks from the US Capitol and are staffed by people who are dedicated to protecting the jobs, wages, and benefits of mail carriers from legislative attacks. Whether working with Congress on legislation, selecting pen pals, or building grassroots movements to effect change, NALC-H stands ready to effectively address the challenges presented by lawmakers.

As part of its efforts to keep in touch with members, NALC-HQ uses a variety of communication tools, including news articles and updates posted on NACL-HQ and to The Postal Mail Service, its monthly membership magazine.

The semi-regular NALC-HQ Bulletin – prominently displayed on Postal Union bulletin boards and branch offices across the USA – and NALC-HQ Advocate also strive to keep members informed of all the latest developments affecting letter carriers. In addition, the Association embraces the power of the Internet by sending regular notifications to members through the NALC-HQ member app for smartphones and engaging with our ever-growing social networks through our social media accounts. To keep the public informed about NALC-HQ and the Post, NALC-HQ contacts print and broadcast media constantly.

In most unions, retired members do not have the right to vote, hold office, or otherwise participate in union affairs. NALC-HQ is different. Since the early days of the union, retirees have been allowed to retain union membership. Retired members channel the history and traditions of both letter carriers and NALC-HQ, and play an important role in the legislative work of the association. They also have the right to vote in union elections, attend union meetings and attend trade unions.

Through community service, NALC-HQ continually reaches out to areas served by letter carriers. For example, every year on the second Saturday of May, the union organizes a nationwide meal event for letter carriers.

In addition, NALC-HQ was the first national partner of the Muscular Dystrophy Association. It continues a close relationship with the organization until today. And because mail carriers visit every address in America six days a week, many are sensitive to the needs of the elderly and the homebound, which means some members sometimes have to perform heroic acts that go beyond delivering mail.

NALC-HQ members also have access to a number of member-only benefits, such as the NALC-HQ Health Benefit Plan, the Mutual Benefit Association Insurance Company, the NALC-HQ Auxiliary, and a letter writing community called Nalcrest. Apparel and other products with the NALC-HQ logo manufactured by the Union can be purchased from the NALC online store. NALC-HQ is affiliated with the AFL-CIO and other national and international labor organizations.

But above all, NALC-HQ is the hundreds of thousands of mail carriers united to protect the quality of their work and the integrity of the US Postal Service.

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America’s letter carriers have been delivering for over a century.

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NALC-HQ and the U.S. Postal Service
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